by Nicole Schwartzman
Child Psychologist
Degree in Psychology - Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
M.A. in Creative Art Therapies - Visual Art - Haifa University, Haifa, Israel
Everyone enjoys music! Music has a relaxation effect in Babies, as it’s proven that is lowers cortisol (the so-called “stress hormone”). It also creates a strong connection between Baby and Parents as early as around the 20th week of pregnancy, which is when they can start recognizing sounds.
Later on, the relationship with caregivers can be strengthened by singing to the Baby. It can also create a suitable environment for the Parents to relax and enter the calmed state-of-mind that is needed to take care of the needs of the Baby.
Melodies created especially for Babies follow a specific rhythm that often reminds the Baby of how the Mother's heart sounds like in the womb. By playing music to Babies we are promoting the first steps of communication, fostering development and providing a place for the exchange of emotions. Babies react to the music, and all this creates more neuronal connections.
Music is a great tool to create routines for the Baby. Routines are excellent for sleep training and for the differentiation between day and night. For example, you can play one type of music during play time and another more relaxing type at bath time.
Now that you know some of the benefits that melodies and music bring to your child, try the E-Baby album collection created especially for Babies. Enjoy!!